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I need a cell phone! But I don't understand what all the features mean.

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Phones are essential for our daily living. When we buy a phone, it is hard to understand all the features and what they do. This list should help you with features and terminology that is related to phones.

airtime - the amount of time spent talking on a cell phone

busy signal - a beeping sound that tells you the person you are calling is on the phone with someone else

bluetooth - technology that allows devices to communicate with each other without being connected by wires

call display - a feature on your phone that allows you to see the name and/or phone number of the caller

conference call - a telephone call in which three or more persons in different locations participate

device - a machine that can be connected to the internet (mobile phone/laptop/tablet)

dial tone - the sound the phone makes when you pick up the receiver

dial - select numbers from the contact list on the phone to make a telephone call

digit - another name for numbers

directory - a list of phone numbers published in a book or online

landline - a phone connection in your home through cables

pay as you go - a system that a person pays for the cost of something when it occurs rather then before or after

pound key - another name for the number sign # on a telephone keypad

prepaid - to pay beforehand

ringtone - the sound the phone makes when somebody calls

roaming - service provided by mobile company which makes it possible for you to use your mobile phone when you travel

SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) - a microchip in a mobile phone that connects it to a particular network

star key - a symbol that looks like * on a telephone keypad

Wi-Fi - a system of using the internet without being connected with a wire

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